Monday 4 June 2018

I didn't believe in love at first sight until I saw him!

Dating has been rather challenging for me over the course of my life, as you can probably gather from the tons of articles I have written on the subject. While I try and maintain a level of optimism and hope that one day it will all be worthwhile, I also try and be rather realistic about how things may go and have very few expectations along the way. 

I have previously said that I don't believe in soul mates and the idea of love at first sight, unless you need to go to SpecSavers. It is all just a bit far fetched, for me. I realize it  may be that is possible, but  probably only if chocolate is involved... or David Beckham and yet when I did eventually meet Becks I was a bit underwhelmed and so instead asked him "where's Victoria?!" Reinforcing my point that love is a bit more than the blinking of an eye.

All of these mindsets that I have held for so long were well and good until I saw HIM! This is what happened....

I was having dinner in a nice restaurant with a girlfriend and a few random people I had never met before. For some reason I looked up our eyes met (yes, just like in the movies, there were probably even angels singing the Hallelujah chorus too) and my entire being screamed YES!  It was the first time that I had ever had that kind of reaction when initially seeing someone - YES. Simple. Clear. Direct. YES!

Everything about him was "YES". 

Thankfully I was able to silently scream YES, another miracle in the story! As our eyes met, I quickly looked away and just as quickly looked back. He was still looking at me! I blushed. Still I was transfixed on him. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was magnetic.

As he walked past our dinner table, my eyes followed him and I could no longer hear my friend talking to me (even though she has a voice like a fog horn) nor could I or feel my hunger pains (we had a late booking at the restaurant!). My heart was beating so hard that I was sure he could hear it. Perhaps it even registered on the Richter Scale?!

Who was this incredible being? 

I had to find out who this wonderful man was! While I didn't actually know that he was indeed wonderful, there was something that made me sense it - I simply just knew it. He was good looking  for sure but there was more to him than that... something deeper. For the majority of the dinner I failed to eat much and could barely speak and as I was transfixed on him. 

Before me was possibly the only opportunity I had in meeting this man. So I was desperately trying to plot all kinds of ways to speak to him.....maybe I could accidentally (on purpose) fall into his table and he could rescue me? Or perhaps I could get one of the waiters to slip him my details? Or even if I had a really big net I could simply....never mind. 

I had to remind myself that I knew nothing at all about this handsome stranger and for all I knew he was married with children, or even gay! Yet there was some undeniable connection between us, I felt something....maybe it was just our mutual hunger for dinner yet I couldn't deny there was some eye contact and even the exchange of a few smiles. Something was going on...

As the evening drew to a close it was increasingly clear that it was pretty impossible for us to meet that night. While I had thought up a few ridiculous ways of initiating conversation there wasn't much I could realistically do. Unless I was okay with the possibility of being sectioned under the Mental Health Act, something that I did consider deeply while trying to focus on eating my salmon. Nope, this one I will leave to the Divine to bring us together again if only it is meant to be.....

The story doesn't end here, except today, for you, it does! So what is the moral in all of this? In short, the things we think and tell ourselves to be 'truths' may not be as true as we think. Sometime Divine intervention is actually all you truly need... be continued.

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