Monday 12 February 2018

Happy Valentines Day? Are you feeling the love?

It comes around every year almost as a reminder for complacent couples to show their love to well, their loved one! As I reflect on the Valentines Day with all the associated expense....chocolates, flowers and of course dinner, I am mildly amused that the way we celebrate our love, something that money can't buy, is with everything money can buy! It makes me wonder if somewhere along the way we have diluted love to Chocolates and Flowers Day.
It is certainly important to ensure that our loved ones know we care and cherish for them, but that should not be an annual event, every 14th February. Neither should it be exclusive for only celebrating the type of love that is romantic. NO.

I am pleased to say that for the majority of my life (probably since I knew what Valentines Day was) I received a card from my Mum - she also tells me she loves me every day, which is my exact point. The people we love, should know we love them - that should be a way of life and not an annual event. By all means throw in a card every 14th Feb as well but don't wait until then.

For single people, I think there can be a greater sting each 14th February, as perhaps cards, flowers and chocolates don't bombard you. Does that mean you are any less loved? NO. Of course not. It just means you are single. As I have discussed before there are many wonderful things about being single but Valentines Day should also be a reminder that you too are loved, even if it is by you Mum, or God, or whoever. 


As you can probably tell, I am not a Valentines Day fan. This year it is a bit different for me because I am very blessed to have a new loved on in my life. I will call him Dave* and Dave was keen to do something for Valentine Day.... until I told him not to cancel his regular weekly plans and as we catch up the next day, like we always do. Perhaps I am unromantic, that's okay. Dave makes a decent effort every week to well, yes, actually make an effort and isn't that the point? I don't need Dave to do that 14th February but I do need to know he cares, and he does and so I am okay if that isn't particularly highlighted on Valentines Day.

Valentines Day should perhaps be the "You are loved day". Let's not dwell on the chocolates and flowers - the things that money can buy and instead remember the gift of love, in whatever form that may be and be grateful that you actually have something that is priceless. That is something to celebrate every single day.

*Name changed to Dave because Dave isn't his name. 

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