Sunday, 17 September 2017

The Lucky Escape...

Sometimes when a relationship doesn't work out it isn't sad at all but in fact a relief that it is over. 

The end of something bad, can actually be really good! 

If a relationship isn't working out then it can be best for both parties to move on sooner rather than later. Hindsight is great for discerning a lucky relationship escape, especially if you see how the course of their life goes and perhaps experience relief that you are no part of it! 

I can wholeheartedly say that I have had many lucky escapes. In fact, most, if not all, of my failed relationships are lucky escapes! There have been a couple of guys I have dated over the years, who seemed okay at the time, but now looking back, I thank God that those relationships were never more than a short term thing!

I thank God for my lucky escapes.

As time goes on and your respective lives take their course, things can become even more clear just how unsuitable you were for each other, which may not have been as obvious while you were dating.Getting to know someone is part of the course and discerning whether you are compatible and if you're not provides your cue to move on.

Granted, it can take a while to get to know someone well and early on in a relationship there can be a focus on chemistry or the physical attraction that you have towards each other, of course this generally dissolves with time, leaving a questionable basis for a solid relationship. 

Staying in a relationship for too long is harmful for both parties. I think the key to a lucky escape is knowing when to move on and acting on it, after all if you know it isn't right then it doesn't serve either of you to draw out breaking up when it is inevitable. 

Unhealthy relationships should be addressed, to protect yourself and the other person. The alternative is to stay and try and make something work that won't. Why put a square peg in a round hole? 

While I have had a couple of lucky escapes over the years, I also think that for each of the guys in question who it didn't work out with were also lucky escapees! I am sure they would agree with the wisdom of hindsight! Indeed, my lucky escapes have been lucky for both parties because either we really weren't matched well or there was some other issue that would eventually lead to relationship doom.

So lucky escapes go both ways!

I have had a couple of ex-boyfriends move on and now be happily married, and I genuinely couldn't be more delighted for them. At the same time, I am also delighted for myself being no part of something that wasn't going to work out so beautifully! Seeing how their lives have developed has only reinforced to me that things do work out in the end, but perhaps not in a way you expect at a certain moment in time. 

So is it really a lucky escape or simply relationships that were never going to work out well?!... Either way I am grateful for the outcome, which is always a good reminder whenever a door closes!

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