It has been some time since I have last blogged, months and there is a good reason why. You may think perhaps it was writers block but actually I still have more than 100 blogs in draft form. Yep there is still a lot of content to go! Actually what has happened is that I have lost the desire to blog, sob. It is quite sad because it is like the end of an era. Actually, no, it is the end of an era and not just like an end of an era.
So much has happened since I last blogged that it is now very clear to me that the 100+ blogs in draft will probably forever remain that way. Unspoken. Unwritten. Not for the consumption of the world to know. It could be for the best. After all there is a confession that I must make.... yes.
This is something that I didn't ever think would actually happen. I am not single any more. I am still in the city but I am very much not single. In fact I am so un-single that in a few short weeks I will in fact be married. I know, it is like the impossible has happened.
The impossible has happened. What does that tell you?
Perhaps things aren't as impossible as we may think or believe. In what has been a relatively short time - just over a year to be more precise, my entire world has changed. This guy, lets call him Omega*, has come into my life and simply loved me from the start and still does. More and more every day. He is kind. I have even informed him that I will probably be a bit of a rubbish wife (I have zero experience in wife-ing so probably will take some time to get good at it) and he doesn't care. He is gracious and basically the one for me.
Who would have thought?
I did not believe such a man existed. I feel grateful and relived that there is actually a species of mankind that is superior to the donkeys that have populated the rest of this blog. Omega is the good guy that I had always been looking for. On a side note, he was on the fringe of my life the whole time but we never really crossed paths. As soon as we did cross paths that was it. It was a done deal and we both knew it virtually straight away.
He is the one my soul longs for.
What lessons or encouragement can I give you in this parting blog? Well, there are a few things perhaps.....
NEVER LOSE FAITH. Yes there are plenty of donkeys and frogs that come your way but actually good decent guys really are out there. You just have to keep looking. Keep dating and somehow have the hope to believe that it will work out, with someone, somehow.
BE GRATEFUL FOR THE EXPERIENCES. The majority of my blogs have been about terrible, unbelievable instances of dating or relationships with pretty much crazy guys. I do wonder that I had not had such extensive experience of crazy whether I would have recognized Omega for how incredibly wonderful he truly is. It is hard not to see how fabulous he is but when compared to the clowns I have come across Omega is divinely from heaven. Which I think he probably is anyway.
GO FOR IT WHEN YOU KNOW IT. Within weeks of dating Omega and I knew we were going to get married. We both knew it. He cracked first and told me and I informed him that I knew it as well. It was almost a done deal. Of course we would be together forever. We will be married about 15 months after first meeting. Some may say that is quick, I don't care for judgement but only for what is right for us. We have both waited long enough for each other and this is right for us. Why wait? We are going for it.
ROMANCE ISN'T EVERYTHING. With Omega I am with my best friend. My BFF. We do everything together but it isn't always romantic. Both of us were pretty unwell especially at the beginning of our relationship and subsequently spend time with each other in hospital. It wasn't fun or glamorous or sexy in any way but it was simply love. Love through the hard times and good times. After all isn't that the point? For better, or worse, in sickness and in health...
REMEMBER YOUR SINGLE FRIENDS. I always struggled when my cherished single friends would get hooked up and slowly slip out of my life. I am determined not to do that to the wonderful women who have supported me along this journey and try and stay alongside them by continuing to invest in our friendship.
ENJOY EACH SEASON OF LIFE. I used to get upset when coupled up people would say they envied my single life. I didn't understand it but now I am starting to. Not that I would want to be single but more that there is a simplicity of being single that isn't the same when you saddle your life to someone else. I often enjoyed being single, I am enjoying being engaged and I plan on enjoying being married. Nothing lasts forever so make the most of every season you are in because it can change very quickly and with no warning. As I found out.
My closing thought is that I am simply grateful. I am grateful for all that I have and the blessing that Omega is to me. I plan to try and never take him and his love for me for-granted. I know he is a rare breed and truly one of a kind.
While I may have found my happily ever after, I recognize that many of you may not have. This blog post is not to gloat or make you feel bad but the intention is to encourage you and let you know that actually miracles do happen. If you read my other blog posts you will see how much of a miracle this truly is and therefore I am certain the same miracle can happen for you.
* Name changed to Omega because it is the last letter of the Greek alphabet and he is the end, the last one for me.
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